About Us
Joseph McLuckie, Owner of JPSMGolf, got into the motorized golf trolley business quite by accident!
In 2006, Joseph McLuckie, an avid recreational golfer based in Toronto, was travelling with his electric cart in the rear of his new Lexus SUV when the vehicle was stolen – cart and all! A long-time advocate and user of electric carts, Joseph had bought and tried every brand available in Canada – some good and some bad. While doing online research to replace his stolen cart, Joseph came across the Stewart Golf X3R, Dream Machine. A Scot by birth, Joseph was drawn to the Union Jack flag on the back of the Special Edition Blue cart, featured on the website. The fact that the product was designed and built in the UK was also an added bonus. Intrigued by its slick design and remote capabilities, Joseph contacted the UK company and was put in touch with the U.S. distributor in Boston, Massachusetts. A quick phone call to Boston and a new Stewart Golf remote cart was en-route to Toronto.
What Joseph did not foresee was the reaction to the Stewart cart from fellow golfers. At the time, Joseph was a long-time member of Spring Lakes Golf & Country Club, in Stouffville Ontario. Almost every time McLuckie used his new X3R, someone would comment on its unique design. These comments led McLuckie to comment to his wife “there’s something about this cart!”Â
One day a fellow member made a beeline across two fairways towards McLuckie. Thinking he had lost something or was about to complain about pace of play, Joseph was surprised that the member wanted to know “what is that cart you’re using and where could he get one?”. After the round a small group formed when McLuckie returned to the Clubhouse demanding to know where they could find this “designer remote-controlled cart”!
Driving home that night, McLuckie kept thinking “there is something more to this”. A great believer in “going with your gut instinct”, he made a call to the Boston distributor asking if they would be interested in discussing sales in Canada. “Sure”, said one of the US partners, “if you’re ever in Boston give us a call”. “Is tomorrow too soon?” McLuckie replied. With that, a meeting was arranged and McLuckie drove to Boston and returning with an exclusive Canadian distribution deal and 2 additional carts.
McLuckie launched the brand to the trade at the Ontario PGA Show in the Fall of 2007. While his booth space was less than ideal, interest from PGA Pros were positive.
The Stewart Golf Dream Machine was introduced to the public at the 2008 Toronto Golf & Travel Show. As a last minute Exhibitor, his booth space was in the back corner of the hall, beside a large post and a pizza stand. Response was “off the charts” reflects McLuckie. Several units were sold in the first day and the journey began. From this series of events, JPSM Sales & Marketing Group Inc. was developed and the cart business in Canada was transformed. What was traditionally a business run by the “garage guys” set up mostly to repair carts, Joseph saw an opportunity to build a quality brand based on the growth and success of the Stewart golf product in the UK. Within 12 months, JPSM was selling more units in Canada, than the distributor was selling in the US.
With this development, Mark Stewart, founder of the company in the UK made McLuckie a direct distributor and a strong partnership began.
Stewart has been a strong supporter of the Canadian market and visits annually to attend consumer shows and visit golf retailers. Mark is always open to suggestions and feedback from Joseph’s Canadian market and a true friendship has grown as a result.
Later, during a UK Magazine function at the 2009 PGA Show in Orlando, McLuckie met Motocaddy Chairman, David Wells. A conversation took place and the discussion began to see if McLuckie would be interested in representing their company in Canada, as well. Motocaddy, based in England was founded in 2004 and quickly became the market leader. "The brand would fit perfectly into the JPSM portfolio", McLuckie thought to himself.
Starting from the basement of his home, Joseph's newly rebranded JPSMGolf now operates from a 6,000 square foot showroom and distribution facility in Pickering, Ontario.
The professional JPSMGolf team are proud to represent Motocaddy and Stewart Golf. The addition of Cart-Tek for the 2018 season, balances their portfolio of market-leading British products, along with a strong American brand, to feature great companies, offering superior products and dedicated teams.

Heather Thomson - Director of Administration
Joseph McLuckie -Â President