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Thank you for visiting JPSMGolf. We have been selling motorized walking trolleys in Canada since 2006. We offer four popular brands: PowerBug, Canada's most affordable golf trolley, Cart-Tek, a leading remote controlled trolley, Flat Cat, offering the best in German design, quality and engineering, and Stewart Golf Dream Machines, an exceptional U.K. company that builds the world’s leading premium brand of trolleys, sometimes referred to as “the Ferrari of the fairway.” As the largest distributor of trolleys in Canada, we have established a reputation for quality and service. Therefore, if you’re looking for a motorized walking trolley you have definitely come to the right place.

Before getting down to specifics, let’s talk a bit about the word trolley. In North America, an electric walking cart can be described in several different ways: electric carts, motorized carts, walking carts or motorized trolleys and so on. We prefer the name trolley because use of the word cart in North America can often mean a riding cart. Besides, trolley is simple and that’s what they’re called throughout the rest of the world.

Why would I use a trolley?

There are two primary reasons why a golfer would want to use a trolley:

We all know that carrying your clubs and pushing or pulling a manual trolley can be hard on your muscles and joints. Using a motorized trolley alleviates strain on your arms, back and shoulders and let’s you enjoy the golf course without discomfort or long lasting muscle aches.

Using a trolley also helps conserve energy. If you don’t have to push, pull or lug your golf bag around the course, you have more energy late in the round to help you make a crucial shot. So ultimately, using a trolley is good for your game and improves your score.

Who should use a trolley?

The simple answer is everyone, for the reasons stated above. However, some people wonder whether they’re ready for a trolley, thinking that perhaps they should wait until they get older. Does that mean you want to wait a few years before you start playing better?

The fact is that trolley usage in Canada is still in its infancy. Awareness is still growing and not everybody is onboard yet with the concept. A lot of people still like to ride but if you’re one of those people that like to walk, enjoys the feel of the course under your feet and wants to feel better and play better, then a trolley is for you.

Most of the golf world already knows this. In the R&A’s recently published Pace of Play study, it showed that between 50 and 65% of golfers in the UK and Europe played with a trolley while just 8% used one in Canada. We’re way behind but we’re catching up.

How much does a trolley cost?

We like to think that we have a trolley to fit every budget and help every golf game. Prices vary from $899 to $3900 (plus tax) and are dependent on the model and options you choose. All prices include shipping and warranties.

How do I know which trolley is right for me?

Buying a trolley is a bit like buying a car. All cars will get you from Point A to Point B but some will get you there in style while others simply get the job done. If you personally came into our showroom, one of our sales staff would engage you in a series of questions that would help determine which trolley is best for your needs.

Is this purchase a want or a need?

For medical reasons, some people can’t push, pull or carry their clubs but still like to walk. For them a trolley is a necessity and a basic model is certainly sufficient. For others, it’s a want and that opens another line of questions about budgets and gadgets and style.

Do you belong to a private club?

That might seem like an odd question but many private clubs offer the option of storing trolleys and re-charging batteries. If so, then the model you choose doesn’t have to be transported in your vehicle. On the other hand, if you play golf at public courses and have to put your trolley into your trunk, van or SUV, then the folded size and weight of the trolley are issues to consider when deciding on the right model for you.

What’s your technology comfort level?

Our basic models are as simple as pushing and turning an on/off switch. More advanced models feature remote control, special braking functions, digital displays and even an integrated GPS. Our premium, compact-folding Stewart Q-Follow, as well as the classic design X10F models even has a function that will follow you anywhere you go. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to use a trolley but some of our models do feature some pretty impressive hi-tech options.

How hilly is your course?

Many of our owners have opted for a feature called DHC (Down Hill Control). It’s a braking system that ensures the trolley won’t get away from you when heading down a steep hill. It’s a very affordable option and well worth the expense if you regularly play courses with steep inclines.

How often do you play?

Frequency of play translates into cost per round. If you only play a few times a year, you might be better to rent a trolley from your pro rather than making a purchase but if you play more than 20 times a season, then the cost of a trolley is easily justified.

If you’ve considered all of the above questions, then you’re ready to make a decision. To see our selection of trolleys and find one that’s just right for you, please visit our Cart-Tek, PowerBug, FlatCat or Stewart Golf collection pages.


For further information, please contact our office at 1-855-839-1600 or by email at